in_bo is an open-access online journal, founded in 2008 and based in Bologna, Italy. It publishes yearly issues on architectural design, architectural history and urban studies, with a specific attention to the teaching of architecture and the intersections between architecture, culture, and society. Double blind peer-reviewed research papers can be in Italian or English. Since 2016, in_bo is rated as a "classe A" journal by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes). In 2019 in_bo was accepted in Elsevier's Scopus. in_bo is owned by the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna. The journal is managed in partnership with the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna, Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci (Bologna) and Fondazione Flaminia (Ravenna).

Through an open call, in_bo invites authors to submit full papers on topics that characterize the journal’s lines of research. The open call is open year-round. Papers are first evaluated by the editorial board and then reviewed according to a double-blind peer review process. in_bo focuses on the past and present forms of architecture and the city. The editorial board is interested in receiving proposals on the following research topics: didactics of architecture, design theory, the relationship between the sacred and the built space, and the history and transformations of architecture, the city and the landscape, without chronological or geographical limits.


Public Heritage in Transformation | DEADLINE EXTENDED



The aim of this call for abstracts is to collect contributions on virtuous projects, critical interventions, complex and overall general or particular critical analyses, narratives on public heritage recovered or in the process of redevelopment, trying to comparatively assess the balance of these processes.

The aim is to focus on restoration and refunctionalisation experiences, but also to identify the contextual factors (regulatory, political-administrative, professional, market or social demand) that have generated and guided – in a more or less positive way – the recovery of public heritage. It is of interest to bring out the effects of redevelopment interventions on the territory and communities concerned. The aim is, therefore, to verify whether, through the regeneration forecasts of the physical city, an effective and more overall regeneration of the social, cultural and economic fabric in the urban context is manifested.

Call for Abstracts


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Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 7s (2024): About Streets and Time
					View Vol. 15 No. 7s (2024): About Streets and Time

Edited by Sérgio Barreiros Proença (Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Francesca Dal Cin (Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Alessia Allegri (Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Luís Miguel Ginja (Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

In “About Streets and Time,” a rich tapestry of critical and interdisciplinary reflections is delineated with the aim of decoding the contemporary significance of public space and its physical, political and social declinations. The street, in all its different forms, names and meanings, encloses the distinctive characteristics of the community it inhabits, offering insights into the historical, social and cultural narratives that shape its identity. This issue of in_bo presents the most recent researches on the concept of the Time of Streets, addressing multiple interpretations, from semantics to urban morphology, from history to collective memory, highlighting that understanding the cycles and rhythms that create the wrinkles of the city is fundamental to imagining and designing the future of streets.

Published: 2024-11-21

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