The theme of the preservation of the characteristics of protected architectural heritage must nowadays be correlated to new requirements for the adaptation of existing buildings to performance standards. This subject raises new questions about the theoretical assumptions and tools to be adopted to coherently answer that request. Focusing on the theme of energy requalification of heritage buildings - the primary focus of interest for the reduction of pollution emissions, according to Horizon 2020 objectives - the preservation of the meanings of an architecture work and of its linguistic, typological and material characteristics proofs to be essential for protection interventions on buildings. However this can’t be considered exhaustive, as the raised issue necessarily requires to be further addressed within the speculative domain of Technique, or rather to open out to the contribution that innovation processes and methods belonging to the field of scientific knowledge could offer.
In this context, our reflection is oriented towards new research frameworks, in which both theory and practice of Architecture disciplines – from the historical and critic readings up to the technical intervention tools – as well as the analytic and instrumental analyses typical of the Building Engineering coexist, with the aim of returning a coherent approach to sustainability through proper preservation, fruition and enhancement of heritage building.
The e-journal "IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura" adopts a system of selection based on blind peer-review.
Sincere thanks to the reviewers of the issue 5/2012 (in alphabetical order): Prof. Carlo Cecere, Prof. Alessandro Greco, Prof. Riccardo Gulli, Prof.ssa Raffaella Lione, Prof. Renato Morganti, Prof. Antonello Sanna
Edited by Riccardo Gulli