The search of a digital immortality?


  • Carla Landuzzi University of Bologna



Funerary rituals, Virtual cemeteries, Digital death, Elaboration of mourning, Death


The text intends to examine how technological innovations allow the construction of web spaces for shared funeral rituals and their partecipation by those same communities that move across the network. It can be assumed a new resacralization process of rituals referring to an individual system of meanings. The web may be capable of reappropriating the experience of pain through new ways that allow flexible access and fruition without spatial or temporal limits. They are interactive rituals that build an elective sociality, as practiced by the inclusion decisions under emotionally meaningful groups. The search for a digital alter ego that will survive the earthly physicality threatens to tarnish the very identity of the dead.


J. Baudrillard, “Lo Xerox e l’infinito”, in A. Ferraro, G. Montagano, La scena immateriale. Linguaggi elettronici e mondi virtuali, Costa&Nolan, Ancona/Milano 2000

F. Gamba, Lo spazio dello schermo, Celid, Torino 2004

R. Hertz, “Etude sur la représention collective de la morte”, 1907, in U. Fabietti, Storia dell’antropologia, Zanichelli, Bologna 2001

T. Luckmann, La religione invisibile, il Mulino, Bologna 1969

Maffesoli, M., Le rythme de la vie, La table ronde, Paris 2004



How to Cite

Landuzzi, C. (2015). The search of a digital immortality?. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 6(8), 159–165.



Architecture, city and society