The House of the Dead. The San Cataldo Cemetery in Modena, by Aldo Rossi and Gianni Braghieri


  • Gilda Giancipoli University of Bologna



Aldo Rossi, Gianni Braghieri, Modena, Funerary architecture, Spitituality


One of the projects that absolute addresses the clear relationship between the city of the living and the city of the dead is the project for the competition of the Cemetery in Modena, won by Aldo Rossi and Gianni Braghieri in 1971. Then it was revised for the second degree of the competition and for another step of the project in 1976. Now it remains unfinished, as the administration plans to achieve it programmatically. It has a clear organization of his differentiated and related parts through formal hierarchies, that recognize in the cube and the cone the “facts” of this urban city of the dead, with its rich symbolism linked to the cult of the dead. However, the cemetery isn’t, an isolated moment in Rossi’s work, but it is possible to recognize in it a declination of formal characterizations that returns throughout its design process.


Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Pratiche Editrice, Milano 1999

Modena Sala Comunale della cultura 23-9 7-10-1972. Concorso Nazionale di idee per il nuovo cimitero. Mostra dei progetti partecipanti, Servizio di Edilizia Pubblica del Comune di Modena, Modena 1972

“Alternative per un concetto di monumentalità”, in Casabella, n. 372, dicembre 1972, pp. 21-26

Aldo Rossi, Architettura città/Passato e presente, “Werk”, n. 4, 1972, pp. 1-18

Aldo Rossi, Architettura della città, CittàStudi Edizioni, Torino 2000

Johannes Itten, Arte del colore, ilSaggiatore, Milano 1982

Umberto Boccioni, Pittura, Scultura futuriste, Edizioni futuriste di poesia, Milano 1914

Aldo Rossi, Zanichelli, Bologna 2002



How to Cite

Giancipoli, G. (2015). The House of the Dead. The San Cataldo Cemetery in Modena, by Aldo Rossi and Gianni Braghieri. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 6(8), 22–34.



Architecture and research