The Oratory of San Bernardino in Pisa Historical research and diagnostic analysis for a proposal of conservation and development
Pisa, Oratory, Adaptive reuse, Urban regeneration, IdentityAbstract
Born to popular will as a devotional build during the plague that struck the town of Pisa in 1477, the Oratory of San Bernardino is located at the junction of two important Roman roads, along which, since the twelfth century, the San Marco district was developing. The district, outside the urban walls and always well characterized by its own cultural, religious and political identity, in more recent years has been going to look farther and farther from the town because of poor functional links and the inclusion among large infrastructures surrounding (the river, the railway, the Florence-Pisa-Livorno highway). The contribution starts from a thorough examination of the building and of the surrounding area, so as to come to a proposal for restoration with the intent both to preserve the building, disclosing its history and significance, both to relaunch an urban space deserted and only reduced to car passing.References
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