Death and life new balances in Italian Lanscape


  • Luigi Bartolomei University of Bologna



Funerary architecture, Funeral Home, Farewell Rooms, Secularization, Cemeteries


This article will analyze the most recent changes in spaces for the dead with respect to new rituals, beliefs and social behaviors in Italy. While in the past two centuries the geography of death was one designed only by extra-urban cemeteries, today new trends are acting to multiply funerary places within urban contexts. There are several factors contributing to this change. First, the new multi-faith profile of contemporary Italian society and its growing secularization are amplifying the request for spaces in which to celebrate all kinds of funeral or farewell rituals with a sense of dignity. This has opened a market for funeral homes or “case funerarie”, never seen before in Italy. Secondly, a wider social acceptance of cremation (recently approved by Catholic Church) introduces the possibility for a displacement of ashes in houses or in private cemeteries, even within urban settings.


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How to Cite

Bartolomei, L. (2015). Death and life new balances in Italian Lanscape. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 6(8), 143–149.



Architecture, city and society