The photographic and cartographic archive of Architectural and Envinronmental Heritage Section of the Institute of Cultural Heritage, Emilia-Romagna Region


  • Stefano Pezzoli Institute of cultural heritage, Emilia-Romagna Region



The incorporation certificate of the Institute of Cultural Heritage counts database creation and its iconographic and cartographic documentation public availability. Consequently, the first regional law on historical centres (1974) and the first Regional Planning Law (1978) found methodological support in historical land registry documents gathered by the Institute and later the Regional Land-scape Territorial Plan made use of historical maps selected by IBC, especially those nineteenth cen-tury topographic maps recorded by the Italian Istituto Geografico Militare between 1877 and 1893, for its necessary elaborations aimed to define its systems, parts and elements. Also the Planning Law of 2000 and the Act on the Quality of Architecture and Landscape of 2002 show a precise use of these historical maps sources. The Institute also suggested for publication and distribution some particularly representative maps in terms of quality.

How to Cite

Pezzoli, S. (2010). The photographic and cartographic archive of Architectural and Envinronmental Heritage Section of the Institute of Cultural Heritage, Emilia-Romagna Region. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 1(1), 53–58.



Historic Cities