This issue is devoted to the fundamental themes of representation and communication intended as disciplines of architecture and planning at the different scales of buildings and urban territory.
"Telling" the space, but even more representing the emotions that space itself communicates, thus becomes a kind of documentation which converges different knowledge no longer bound to a single discipline or a single aspect of culture, reconfiguring the real as the synthesis of 'human essence.Here are the premises for this IN_BO issue, presenting interesting contributions such as M. Beatrice Bettazzi’s one, where the history of architecture, inspired by frescoes depicting the urban landscape, fades into the broader territory of mental structures, cognitions and cultural processes, intended as man’s perceptions about space, its design and its way of living.
The very perception is the fulcrum of this spatial empathy: visual emotions, as "told" by the stereoscopic graphics, architecture and focus on the centrality of man in his presence, in the words of Alessandro Rigolon, connect seamlessly the feelings of memory and absence, as can be appreciated in themes addressed by Mariana Nitu, who died prematurely and is remembered here by Luigi Bartolomei.
Following more technical approaches, alternate with elegance in a cultural continuum leitmotif of the number, the architectural perceptions and teachings techniques are covered in the atlas of restoration by Francesco Conserva too, together with considerations about urban design by E. Elisabetta Minghini, or the story telling par-excellence, drawing, declined by Luisa Bravo in the representation of cities and urban sequences.
Edited by Simone Garagnani