LED Concepts and Theory


  • Diedrich Bruns Kassel University
  • Luigi Bartolomei University of Bologna
  • Deni Ruggeri NMBU Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Eliza Salman Nürtingen-Geislingen University
  • Ellen Fetzer HFWU Nuertinge-Geislingen University




landscape democracy, social change, meaning, community-identity, participation, engaged scholarship, service learning, participatory action research


While it has gained prominence, Landscape Democracy is an emergent field that encompasses theories, approaches, methods and practices as diverse as the contexts in which it operates, and the transdisciplinarity of knowledge and methods that agents of landscape democratic change are tapping into in their work. This chapter begins with a discussion on the diversity of conceptions of landscape and democracy, the role places and landscape plays in the establishing of community identity and meaning, and the implications of operating on these processes of community building from the perspective of both education and practice.




How to Cite

Bruns, D., Bartolomei, L., Ruggeri, D., Salman, E., & Fetzer, E. (2019). LED Concepts and Theory. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 10(4), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/9845