Spaces for Mourning in the 20th Century Verona’s Hospitals: the Evolution of Design
Verona, Children’s Alessandri Hospital, New Hospital Centre, Anatomo-pathological Institute, MortuaryAbstract
The history of hospitals is related to institutional care and is one of the most interesting chapters of the twentieth-century urban events in Verona (Italy). The current Hospital of Borgo Trento was before built in 1914 as Children’s Alessandri Hospital; in 1942 it was transformed and it expanded to grow into the New Hospital Centre. The competition for the Children’s Alessandri Hospital, announced in 1904, was won by architect Giovanni Tempioni, who considered essential for the new hospital a “mortuary room and an anatomical room for cadaveric lessons”. Relevant was the evolution of design for the Pavilion of reception, study and management of death in the New Hospital Center, built by the engineer Pio Beccherle. The Anatomo-pathological Institute became independent, innovative and technologically modern.References
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