Composing Pain. The Monument to the Venetian Partisan Woman by Carlo Scarpa


  • Enrico Bascherini



Pain, Memory, Monument, Scarpa, Partisan Woman


It was 1968 when Carlo Scarpa was commissioned for the basement project at the monument to the “Partigiana Veneta” by the artist Augusto Murer (Falcade 1922 - Padova 1985). Situated on the shore of the gardens of Venice, the work represents a surpassing of the concept of monument as a memory. Scarpa’s work can be described as “experimenting” on the next masterpiece of the Brion tomb where the concept of conjugal love and memory carries unstoppable spatiality. The work is a ritual that is renewed several times a day and in its renewal and showing in an ever-changing way creates an ever-new.


C. Scarpa, Dattiloscritto, MAXXI/ACS,CSPro/127/Doc/01/03

G. Beltramini, Carlo Scarpa e la scultura del ‘900, Marsilio, Padova, 2009, p. 233

C. Scarpa, Relazione al consiglio comunale del 31 luglio 1961; Archivio Storico Comunale

M. Pierconti, Carlo Scarpa ed il Giappone, Electa, Milano, 2007, p 120

M. De Certau, L’invention du quotidien, Voll.II, Gallimard, Paris, 1990

A. Tarpino, Geografie della Memoria, Einaudi, Torino, 2008

C. Scarpa, Musei ed esposizioni, Albertini Bagnoli, Jaca BooK, Milano, 1992

C. Scarpa, Trascrizione conferenza Accademia delle Belle Arti di Vienna, 1976



How to Cite

Bascherini, E. (2017). Composing Pain. The Monument to the Venetian Partisan Woman by Carlo Scarpa. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 8(12), 165–173.