Romanesque of Apennine. The churches of Reggio Emilia dioceses between XI and XII Century


  • Federico Zoni University of Bologna



Medieval Architecture, Medieval Landscapes, Archaeology of Architecture, History of Architecture, Cultural heritage management


This paper aims to focus on the problem between cultural heritage management and real knowledge of the historical buildings. Through an archaeological approach to the medieval landscape and to the medieval architectures of the Emilia Romagna region, this paper give a different interpretation about the origins of the Romanesque in the mountains of the Reggio Emilia district. In the most important plan of cultural heritage management these architectures are related to the supremacy of the Canossa family, one the most important medieval families northern Italy (Xth-XIth centuries). Actually, looking to the political history between XIth and XIIth centuries, it’s easier to explain the appearance of the Romanesque architecture as an attempt of the bishop of Reggio Emilia to display his power against the local aristocracies after the death of Matilde, last countess of Canossa.


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How to Cite

Zoni, F. (2017). Romanesque of Apennine. The churches of Reggio Emilia dioceses between XI and XII Century. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 8(11), 408–421.



Architecture and Landscape