A virtuous journey between the synagogues of the ghetto and synagogues of emancipation: the rediscovery of Venetian Judaism


  • Valeria Rainoldi University of Trento




Synagogues, Verona, Padua, Venice, Jewish Community


The celebrations related to the 500 years of the institution of the Ghetto of Venice (1516-2016) represent a first hint for thought on the Venetian Jewish community and how much is left. Venice, in primis, but also Padua and Verona, are seats of Jewish communities and synagogues erected in different historical periods (from sixteenth-century Venetian synagogues to the twentieth-century Veronese synagogue), urban and architectural evidence of different historical events that have affected several Venetian towns. The recent restoration of some temples of worship (Verona and Padua) allows you to widen the focus of identifying the elements of the synagogues of ghetto and the architecture of the nineteenth century synagogues, proposing an historical-artistic path connecting between the Venetian towns.


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How to Cite

Rainoldi, V. (2016). A virtuous journey between the synagogues of the ghetto and synagogues of emancipation: the rediscovery of Venetian Judaism. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 7(10), 301–314. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/6479



Architecture and research