The reuse of places of worship: Cases, management criteria and perspectives in the diocese of Turin


  • Davide Dimodugno University of Turin



Reuse, Churches, Proceedings, Management, Stakeholders


The study and analysis of the management of places of worship, i.e. of the religious cultural heritage, offers interesting opportunities of reflection on the law aspects of the topic, in particular the interplay between State and Canonical regulations which involves a proceeding, a complex and precise succession of acts by two administrative apparatus, the State one and the Ecclesiastical one. The article, starting from a brief reference to the procedures for a satisfactory reusing of places of worship, centered on the Can. 1222 and Article 831 para. 2 of the Italian Civil Code, as well as on the rules of the code of cultural heritage (Legislative Decree no. 42/2004), focuses on the analysis of a case of alienation, then turned into donation, of two churches to a public administration In particular, it concerns St. Orsola’s church and San Bernardino’s, donated to the Municipality of Sommariva del Bosco (CN) by the Diocese of Turin and used for socio-cultural activities. The complexity of this case allows us to expand the horizon and suggest proposals about what to do when the diocese will have to face future cases that need a discussion and negotiations with stakeholders. In conclusion, we highlight the objectives and perspectives of the Diocese of Turin about the census of their heritage in order to easily map their assets and identify which ones to keep as places of worship and which ones may be suitable, in agreement with the local authorities and institutions, to be alienated or, and this would be a better solution whenever it is possible, to be loaned free of charge to associations or public administrations for cultural purposes and, in any case, not in contrast with the religious interest inherent to the asset.


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How to Cite

Dimodugno, D. (2016). The reuse of places of worship: Cases, management criteria and perspectives in the diocese of Turin. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 7(10), 115–132.



Architecture and research