In Search of Spirituality in the Places of Urban Decay: Case Studies in Detroit


  • Joongsub Kim Lawrence Technological University



Urban ruins, Urban decay, Spirituality, Post-industrial, Catalytic, Therapeutic, Reflective, Engaging


This paper explores spirituality in urban decay. This paper suggests that the spirituality of places in urban decay can be defined in four ways: places in urban decay can be spiritual because they inspire people to do good things for the community (catalytic); places in urban decay can be spiritual because they are consoling (therapeutic); places in urban decay can be spiritual because they help connect individuals to their inner selves (reflective); and places in urban decay can be spiritual because they connect people in different ways (engaging). The literature neglects the catalytic aspect, while supporting other aspects. The results of this paper suggest that the idea of spirituality in architecture needs to be expanded in post-industrial society. This paper suggests that the role that spiritual places in urban decay play in place-making, especially in shrinking cities such as Detroit, deserve further scholarly attention.


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How to Cite

Kim, J. (2016). In Search of Spirituality in the Places of Urban Decay: Case Studies in Detroit. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 7(9), 65–79.