Interchange on the Civitavecchia Railway Line- Capranica Scalo - Capranica resort Orte Scalo
interchange, endogenous development, capacitor of activitiesAbstract
The project is an interchange in the territory of Tuscia, in the small town of Capranica Scalo (VT), Italy. It is where two railway lines intersect, the Roma-Viterbo FR3 line and Civitavecchia-Orte line. The latter has been inserted within the TEN -T recognised as an important link for the European freight transport. It is currently subject to a restoration project. Based on the results from the analysis it has been designed a central space, the interchange, for an area larger than the single city centre. It will not only improve the integration between different modes of transport and enhance the traveling and waiting times, but it is proposed as a condenser of entertainment activities, representing also a showroom for the promotion of the territory and enhancement of its resources.References
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