Urban Landscape between Railway and City: Bridging a Rift in Viserba (RN)
Station, infrastructures, park, urban landscape, Rimini, links, rift, railway, urban ri-generationAbstract
The theme of the panel is the relationship between the spaces for infrastructure and urban landscape, with a project that mends the city and the sea in the case of Viserba, a seaside city near Rimini. The city is characterized by an exponential urban growth in the last century, an issue that affects the entire Adriatic coast, bisected by the railroad overpass coast. The task of freeing the private half the tourist strip of the coast and the pressure of automobile suburbs, the railway line takes the value of central axis for the public transport system to be implemented with adequate urban crossings that exceed the discontinuity of the railroad and support it to a plot of green spaces and paths of rejoining the city with the sea.References
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