Grand Infrastructures in Natural Contexts, between Interactions and Contrasts: the Case of Ridracoli


  • Lorenzo Buscaroli University of Bologna



Bidente Valley, Ridracoli Dam, sensible tourism, protection of natural resources


This panel attempts to give one of multiple responses to the development of a highly naturalistic context in which there is a huge infrastructure, Ridracoli Dam, that provides distribution services of water resources by limiting the exploitation of groundwater that cause subsidence especially in coastal areas, where demand increases means specially in summer. The idea was born from the method that brings spaces, flows and events to interact in the branch network of the Valley Bidente, favoring the possibility to promote tourism and stimulate the sensitivity of the tourists regarding the protection of resources, in this case water. A system of pathways, spaces, and services will bring tourists to bind to the landscape through experiences characterised by what the local area has to offer.



How to Cite

Buscaroli, L. (2014). Grand Infrastructures in Natural Contexts, between Interactions and Contrasts: the Case of Ridracoli. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 5(7), 197–202.