“Yonne River Corridor” Network of Yonne Cities: the River as Tourist Route


  • Christina Matika ENSA de Paris la Villette




River Corridor, Transportation Route, Tourist Route, River Tourism, Sustainability, Requalification


Long living space for many animal and plant species, the river system and its tributaries represent a principal wealth, always valid for human settlements in the Yonne valley, France. In my case study the major questions raised as starting points are: 1. How the infrastructure is related to the landscape of Yonne. 2. Which could be the possibilities and potentialities to treat this local resource. 3. How local authorities could start a project of exploitation and valorization of the water region. 4. Which interventions could enforce the dynamics of the region. 5. How to articulate cities in discontinuity around the Yonne river, taking into account the flood threat, but in a sustainable way. 6. And last but not least, how can we face the problem of rupture between the banks of the river and the urban space, regaining the docks.


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How to Cite

Matika, C. (2014). “Yonne River Corridor” Network of Yonne Cities: the River as Tourist Route. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 5(7), 153–170. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/5048



Landscape, Environment and Infrastructure