Open Tools for the Inclusion of Infrastructure into the Landscape


  • Elio Trusiani Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Emanuela Biscotto Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Silvia Brunella D'Astoli Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Maddalena Franzosi Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Lorenza Gasparella Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Luca Sartor Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • Michela Tolli Università La Sapienza di Roma



infrastructure, landscape, checklist/control points, ecological indicators, perception indicators, mitigation, compensation


The research focuses on large-scale national infrastructures and their impact on landscape. In order to determine their specific interactions we assessed the quality of the landscape affected by the infrastructure, objectively classifying different landscape typologies, considering physical, visual and ecological aspects, hence we developed a new methodology based on the innovative construction of a check list, a series of questions to be followed during the project design and the consecutive evaluation. It leads to the development of guidelines for the conservation of the landscape and the environment whilst also developing the infrastructure. Furthermore, the check list is an open tool, letting the user (project designer or evaluator) employ the right degree of detail, according to specific conditions or problems.


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How to Cite

Trusiani, E., Biscotto, E., Brunella D’Astoli, S., Franzosi, M., Gasparella, L., Sartor, L., & Tolli, M. (2014). Open Tools for the Inclusion of Infrastructure into the Landscape. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 5(7), 47–62.



Landscape, Environment and Infrastructure