Between Nature and Artifice: Villoresi Canal as Urban Infrastructure


  • Caterina Gallizioli University of Bologna



Water, Villoresi Canal, Open Spaces, Infrastructure


In the strongly anthropized area between Ticino and Adda flows the Villoresi Canal, an hydraulic infrastructure able to link different parts of the land, spanning from agricultural landscape to residential areas. The Est Ticino Villoresi Consortium manages this infrastructure, dealing with the reclamation and irrigation of the area and adding value to these resources in terms of energy, landscape, tourism and environmental achievements. Through didactic experimentation and research, the synergy between the Consortium and the School of Civil Architecture of Politecnico di Milano means to express how this hydraulic infrastructure can become promoter of environmental reclamation and creator of new public open spaces for the collectivity. It is a matter of regeneration of a system of open spaces and physical modification of places related to water.


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How to Cite

Gallizioli, C. (2014). Between Nature and Artifice: Villoresi Canal as Urban Infrastructure. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 5(7), 63–80.



Landscape, Environment and Infrastructure