Models of Public-Private Partnership for the management of the process of infrastructure and urban regeneration
PPP, smart cities, urban renewal and comparison between case studiesAbstract
In Europe, PPPs have developed in the field of transport, building and public facilities and the environment.
The experience varies from sector to sector and from country to country: many States have a limited experience of PPP, or have none at all. That of the Smart Cities and urban regeneration could be a new and effective way in the path towards the digitalization that our Country is undertaking with much effort and even in the absence of an integrated and systemic vision.
From this desire, the following article will try to collect and compare two important case studies: the first, refers to 15 cases distributed throughout the Italian territory. Cases falling in areas such as the renewal, redevelopment and recovery. The other case instead looks at the experiences in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, linked to the post-socialist transformation of two central areas of the city of Budapest.
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