Advanced technologies for supporting health and safety in construction management


  • Berardo Naticchia Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • Alessandro Carbonari Università Politecnica delle Marche



health and safety, construction sites, real-time monitoring, pervasive systems


Decisions made during project planning strongly influence the level of safety which can be reached on site. However, some hazards are generated by the concurrence of several unpredictable risk factors. So the use of tracking systems might become decisive.
In this paper we will present three example of advanced monitoring systems: one proactive safety management system to prevent overhead hazards; one infrastructureless real-time monitoring system to avoid hazardous interferences among the several teams operating on site; one real-time control system of fine particle concentration in construction sites. They all take advantage of the use of advanced technologies and implement some intelligent logics to evaluate the corresponding hazard level. ICT based technologies are shown to positively influence health and safety in construction site.




How to Cite

Naticchia, B., & Carbonari, A. (2013). Advanced technologies for supporting health and safety in construction management. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 4(2), 47–60.