contemporary architecture; art; Selezione Architettura: historical heritage


  • Andrea Zanelli Istituto per i Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna



contemporary architecture, art, Selezione Architettura, historical heritage


At the end of the Nineties the Emilia-Romagna updates its twenty-year conservation and restoration policy launching the LR 19/98 on urban regeneration; then at the beginning of the Millennium among the first regions it legislate about architectural quality (LR 16/02), which increases the possibility of intervention for urban spaces of historic and artistic interest, but also introduces funding competitions for the design, construction of contemporary architecture, inclusion of works of art in public buildings, studies and research on historical and contemporary architectural heritage, elimination of incongruous works. In addition to several significant interventions, the Law 16/02 develop important research activities: the survey, merged in the volume “Quale e Quanta” (2005), about the quality of architecture of the late twentieth century, which identifies more than one thousand significant buildings in the Region; a survey of works of art pursuant to the “law of 2 percent” (L. 717/49) in public buildings, accompanied by a proposal for a regional law on the same subject; the initiative “Selezione Architettura Emilia-Romagna”, biennial event that chooses the best of architectural production from 2001 onwards.



How to Cite

Zanelli, A. (2013). contemporary architecture; art; Selezione Architettura: historical heritage. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 4(6), 211–222.