The role of the archives in the conservative regeneration of the ‘old PEEP districts’. Considerations about the case of Parma


  • Alessandra Gravante Università di Parma
  • Michele Zazzi Università di Parma



PEEP, public open space, urban digital archives, conservative regeneration, Parma


In recognition of the identity values of the past social housing program, roadway configuration and urban figure give an account of different public policies that followed one another in the course of time.
From the  INA Casa to the  PEEP social housing program, through the deficiencies in implementation, you can configure  a locus for urban regeneration through the recovery of an environmental dimension of ordinary landscapes and for the  restoration of advanced  settlement patterns meant as a testimonial value of the Modern Movement.
In line with the recent guidelines of the European Landscape Convention through Parmarchiviterritoriali  wihch can be defined a permanent framework of knowledge born of a research protocol between the City Coucil and the University of Parma, we want to present - for the Montanara - Cinghio settlement - the application of a methodology that, starting from the historiographical survey of the instruments of urban planning, prefigures a regeneration mode aimed at introducing conservative elements of  habitat within the open space of the PEEP districts preluding to cases of urban renewal.


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How to Cite

Gravante, A., & Zazzi, M. (2013). The role of the archives in the conservative regeneration of the ‘old PEEP districts’. Considerations about the case of Parma. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 4(6), 159–174.