Energy retrofitting design of existing building stock. The case study of social housing


  • Annarita Ferrante University of Bologna
  • Elena Cattani University of Bologna
  • Nicola Bartolini University of Bologna
  • Giovanni Semprini University of Bologna



energy and architectural retrofitting, social housing, economic and social feasibility


Within the current discussion on the feasibility of energy retrofitting buildings’ operations, the pilot-study experience developed in the district Corticella in Bologna offers an updated review of the possible methods and techniques to be applied to reduce the energy consumption in existing buildings. In particular, the re-design of buildings, starting from the basic hypothesis of standard interventions, such as insulation and replacement of windows, has been further developed to envisage higher transformation scenarios such as the volumetric adds-on and roof-top elevations; these solutions are shown as possible means to: i) enhance the technical and economic feasibility of the retrofitting actions; ii) compensate the stiffness of existing building types; iii) promote adaptable, flexible, user-centred solutions as possible tools for communication with the human being, as “technical guides” to help the increase of his knowledge and awareness on energy-conscious behaviour.


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How to Cite

Ferrante, A., Cattani, E., Bartolini, N., & Semprini, G. (2012). Energy retrofitting design of existing building stock. The case study of social housing. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(5), 251–276.



Sustainable refurbishment