Criteria and methods for the performance adaptation of the 1930s architectural heritage. The Faculty of Engineering of Bologna


  • Riccardo Gulli University of Bologna
  • Giorgia Predari University of Bologna
  • Luca Boiardi University of Bologna



construction history, restoration of 1930s architectural heritage, retrofitting, smart systems


The analysis on criteria and methods suitable for the restoration of the existing architectural heritage requires to focus on actions combining the historical and aesthetic instance with the technological innovation; this paper will show how the integration of system and construction components, together with the adoption of automation systems for control and management of interior comfort, can facilitate the adaptation to the current standards, while preserving the original characters of the building.


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How to Cite

Gulli, R., Predari, G., & Boiardi, L. (2012). Criteria and methods for the performance adaptation of the 1930s architectural heritage. The Faculty of Engineering of Bologna. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(5), 203–226.



Sustainable refurbishment