From energy retrofitting to sustainable renovation. An energy analysis of compact urban fabrics


  • Carlo Cecere “Sapienza” University of Rome
  • Helena Coch Roura Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech
  • Michele Morganti “Sapienza” University of Rome
  • Gioia Clementella “Sapienza” University of Rome



urban density and form, Mediterranean compact city, urban fabric, energy performance, building stock


Recent studies point out the importance of urban areas, in spite of the ever increasing unsustainable nature of the conventional city. In the specific context of the Mediterranean compact city, new settlement models are still a negligible proportion compared to the great mass of the ordinary city. Find operative way to transform the existing building stock, became more crucial than imagine a new one much more energy-efficient. Hence, seems necessary to deal with the existing urban fabrics in order to define more sustainable condition. The results here proposed of a comparative study carried out on various urban fabrics, in search of parametric relations between density and energy performance. Such methodology can represent a knowledge-base and lead to conscious and effective urban transformations, towards more efficient conditions.


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How to Cite

Cecere, C., Coch Roura, H., Morganti, M., & Clementella, G. (2012). From energy retrofitting to sustainable renovation. An energy analysis of compact urban fabrics. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(5), 7–28.



Sustainable refurbishment