Death as a semiotic frontier


  • Francesco Galofaro CUBE - Ethnosemiotic Centre of Bologna University



semiotics, death, culture, biopolitics, eterotopia


If we try to identify the actual moment of the death, we discover that the semiotic frontier between life and death depends on the considered culture. Society certifies the end of the biologic process through religion, law, medicine, and the respective institutions. Political controversies on death, euthanasia, persistent vegetative state, transplantation, are always controversies on who has the power to decide the meaning connected to death. In order to describe it, the essay represents death as an eterotopic space, which topologically connects a system of values with the topic spaces of everyday life.


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How to Cite

Galofaro, F. (2012). Death as a semiotic frontier. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(4), 279–284.