Death rituals in ethnic and cultural mix of urban environment


  • Carla Landuzzi Center for social studies IPSSER (Istituto Petroniano di Studi Sociali dell’Emilia-Romagna)



multiethnic city, migrations, urban space, housing, funerary rituals


This paper focuses on funeral ceremonies in the multiethnic and multicultural urban society. Western cities display a variety of funeral rituals through a different usage of space and time. Some of them have such
a considerable spatial impact that the completeness of the ceremony itself is threatened. From the perspective of time, on the other hand, some funeral rituals result remarkably demanding, with a notable duration. As a consequence, various ethnic communities experience some adaptations in space and time of their rituals. Moreover, some cases of incompatibility and loss of ceremonial features have also been observed.


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How to Cite

Landuzzi, C. (2012). Death rituals in ethnic and cultural mix of urban environment. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(4), 261–268.