Italian modern cemeteries: an historical profile


  • Piero Pasini University of Venice



history, architecture, cemeteries, Italy, 18th century, 19th century


In 18th and 19th century the debate on cemeteries should not ignore the reflections of architects and engineers. The codification of new ways of burial is either the goal and the tool in hand of the secular government to manage the last passage and it is the start point for the development of a cult of tombs and of new forms and ways of remembering.
Projects and accomplishments testify the necessity of a formal arrangement of cemeteries and of disposal of dead bodies, the definition of separate spaces, pantheon, monuments. This phenomenon can not be separated from the dialogue with the religions and customs.
Through the study of projects and ideas of architects is possible to describe, from an architectural point of view, the evolution of the civil cult of the dead.


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How to Cite

Pasini, P. (2012). Italian modern cemeteries: an historical profile. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(4), 191–202.