Cemeteries in nature, as nature, as a city


  • Luigi Franciosini University of Roma Tre
  • Alessandra Carlini University of Roma Tre




inhumation, burial, cremation, planning guide, cemetery in nature, cemetery as nature, cemetery as a city


The burial sites are destined to promote and protect the feelings of grief related to loss, indicating by means of a symbolic representation, a possible way of consolation, hope, reassurance and a serene feeling of remembrance: memory preserves and reassures; cemeteries are therefore witnesses of different cultural and religious identities.
The images of cities keep on showing places intended and designed for memory; these places show us the inability of our culture to re-compose an aware dialogue with death and to recognize it as an essential part of existence.
The social transformations call us to reflect on burial places: there is a urgent need for new feelings, and for new spaces designed to become places of understanding and interfaith dialogue between religious and civil different forms of spirituality.


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Aries, Philippe (1998), Storia della morte in Occidente, BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli

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Grimal, Pierre (2005), L'arte dei giardini. Una breve storia, Donzelli, Roma



How to Cite

Franciosini, L., & Carlini, A. (2012). Cemeteries in nature, as nature, as a city. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(4), 129–150. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/3252