Matter and sky


  • Paolo Zermani University of Florence



landscape, cemetery, cremation, memory, limits


This paper that the Architect Paolo Zermani wrote on the occasion of our conference, is articulated in three different parts. The first one is the premise to the presentation of two different realizations which has been selected from the wide designing activity of the architect. In the premises the author wants to emphasize the “Liminality” of sacred space, that is its being “in limine”, between sky and earth, material limits of a deeper symbolical meaning between physic and metaphysics, evocative material elements and the “heaven of heavens” in St Augustine's works.
The architectural type still stays at the intersection of these meanings, in the synthesis between West and Est produced by Roman Culture and signified by the symbol of the Cross.
The role of landscape in architectural composition is exemplified in two different projects: Sansepolcro Cemetery and the New Crematory Temple in Parma. The first one is budded in the hill landscape described by Piero della Francesta, the second one is set in the meshes of Latin “limitatio”, close to Valera, designing a sacred fence and a new altar for the town of Parma.

(abstract edited by Luigi Bartolomei)


Zermani, Paolo (2002), Identità dell’architettura, Voll. I – II, Officina Editore, Roma

Zermani, Paolo (1999), Costruzioni e Progetti, Electa, Milano

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Zermani, Paolo (2004), Architetture italiane e altri progetti, Facoltà di Architettura di Cesena, Tielleci Editore, Colorno (PR)

Zermani, Paolo (2004), Architecture in the italian landscape, Lo Spazio Gallery, New York

Zermani, Paolo (2004), Spazi sacri, Facoltà di architettura di Genova, Tielleci Editore, Colorno (PR)

Chiaramonte, Giovanni e Zermani, Paolo (2007), Contemporaneità delle rovine. Misure del paesaggio occidentale, Catalogo della mostra, Novara, Tielleci Editore, Colorno (PR)

Chiaramonte, Giovanni e Zermani, Paolo (2009), Misura sacra, Catalogo della mostra, Galleria dell’architettura italiana, Edizioni Diabasis, Firenze

Zermani, Paolo (2010), Oltre il muro di gomma, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia

AND n. 21 (2011), Paolo Zermani. Disegno e identità, numero monografico a cura di Paolo Di Nardo, Firenze



How to Cite

Zermani, P. (2012). Matter and sky. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 3(4), 25–34.