TEMPORARY OUTLET CENTER. Disused areas renovation through nomadic commerce


  • Gabriele Gaiti Università di Bologna




Temporary Architecture, Factory Outlet Center, Urban renovation, ETFE,


Shopping and consumption places have ever more noticeably become new public attraction places of the present-day city.  How is it possible to capitalize on the lure of trade without generating further soil usage?
Temporary Outlet Center (TOC) tries to conciliate these two requests, seemingly so far away from each other, through the development of temporariness and mobility concepts.
This project consist in a “zero cubic capacity” building work based on wholly dismountable light structures, aggregable in endless solutions, which does not construct nothing of immobile with the exception of primary urbanizations.
Therefore shopping experience could act as urban activator for both disused areas to be renewed within urban fabric and degraded areas to be revitalized.


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How to Cite

Gaiti, G. (2011). TEMPORARY OUTLET CENTER. Disused areas renovation through nomadic commerce. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 2(3), 121–134. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/2631