Piacenza towards the valorisation of the dismissed military property asset
valorisation, dismissed military property assets, urban, architectural and environmental restoration, interactions between public and private sectors, Piacenza, Comparto Nord San Sisto/Cittadella,Abstract
Recently, the importance of the process of valorisation of dismissed military property assets has been confirmed again by the Italian Ministry of Defense. The critical effects related with the dismission of these properties can - and should - be interpreted in terms of broad opportunities: urban, architectural and environmental restoration; revitalization of the city and its territory; sustainability; participation and consultation; synergistic interactions between public and private sectors. Piacenza is one of the towns most involved in these processes; the public debate on the future of military areas is open, especially on Barracks Bixio and Nicolai (Comparto Nord San Sisto/Cittadella), the historical site of the Genio Pontieri which should be the first to be valorised.
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