Town Design and Policentric City


  • Elena Elisabetta Minghini Università di Bologna



The recent planning (planning) and urban planning (town design) must now face the problems of urban regeneration, the redesign of the city, while the theme of urban growth is dispersed.
The contemporary city becomes sprawl, involving a wide area, relocated grows, it loses its borders, it seems that everything becomes “center”.
To try to ensure the quality of existing settlements is currently chosen often polycentric model-lattice, it allows the design recovery of historic centers in the cities and to establish the value of smaller centers located in urban neighborhoods. A sustainable project should be aimed at the compact urban form, appropriate policies of energy saving, reduction of area of specialization, an easing of growth in residential punctiform.


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How to Cite

Minghini, E. E. (2011). Town Design and Policentric City. IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura, 2(2), 37–46.