Call for applications for the editorial board of in_bo


in_bo is looking for two new members to join its editorial board. 

in_bo is an open-access online journal, founded in 2008 and owned by the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna, Italy. It publishes yearly issues on architectural design, architectural history and urban studies, with a specific focus on pedagogical approaches in architecture and the intersections between architecture, culture, rituals and society. 

Since 2016, in_bo has been rated as a "classe A" journal by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes). In 2019 the journal was accepted in Elsevier's Scopus.

Members of the editorial board follow all editorial stages of the journal’s publications: they draft calls for papers, coordinate paper submissions, the peer-review process including copy-editing, and are responsible for communication via newsletters and social networks. Members of the editorial board are responsible for the quality of the journal’s output; they also play a key role in proposing new themes and perspectives for in_bo, sharing ideas, planning publications and events. All members are actively committed to the growth of our journal. Please keep in mind that this position is not economically rewarded.

The editorial board usually holds online meetings once a month, and in-person meetings in Bologna once/twice a year: participation is mandatory. For non-Italian speakers, a written knowledge of Italian is recommended. For Italian speakers, a good knowledge of English is required.

We welcome future members who are experts in at least one of the following fields: architectural history, theory and design, landscape architecture, technology of architecture, contemporary history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and urban studies.

Applicants are invited to send a short CV (max. 3 pages) and a cover letter in either Italian or English. Please send your application to no later than May 1st, 2022. Selected candidates will be interviewed by the editorial board and selected members will be appointed by June 15th, 2022 for a three-year term.

Download the call here